Livetiming - Mobil
Veiledende tidsskjema
Hele stevnet
Hele stevnet
27. april 2024 kl. 11.00
Øvelse 1. 100m fri, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.00
Heat 2: 11.02
Heat 3: 11.05
Heat 4: 11.07
Heat 5: 11.09
Heat 6: 11.11
Heat 7: 11.14
Heat 8: 11.16
Heat 9: 11.17
Heat 10: 11.19
Heat 11: 11.21
Heat 12: 11.23
Heat 13: 11.25
Øvelse 2. 100m fri, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.30
Heat 2: 11.32
Heat 3: 11.35
Heat 4: 11.37
Heat 5: 11.40
Heat 6: 11.42
Heat 7: 11.44
Heat 8: 11.46
Heat 9: 11.48
Heat 10: 11.50
Heat 11: 11.52
Heat 12: 11.53
Øvelse 3. 50m butterfly, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.58
Heat 2: 11.59
Heat 3: 12.00
Heat 4: 12.02
Heat 5: 12.03
Heat 6: 12.04
Heat 7: 12.06
Øvelse 4. 50m butterfly, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 12.10
Heat 2: 12.11
Heat 3: 12.13
Heat 4: 12.14
Heat 5: 12.16
Heat 6: 12.17
Heat 7: 12.18
Øvelse 5. 100m individuell medley, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 12.22
Heat 2: 12.24
Heat 3: 12.26
Heat 4: 12.29
Heat 5: 12.31
Heat 6: 12.33
Heat 7: 12.36
Heat 8: 12.38
Heat 9: 12.40
Heat 10: 12.42
Heat 11: 12.44
Øvelse 6. 4*50m fri, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 12.49
Heat 2: 12.52
Heat 3: 12.56
Øvelse 7. 4*50m fri, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.01
Heat 2: 13.04
Heat 3: 13.07
Øvelse 8. 50m rygg, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.13
Heat 2: 13.14
Heat 3: 13.16
Heat 4: 13.18
Heat 5: 13.20
Heat 6: 13.21
Heat 7: 13.23
Øvelse 9. 50m rygg, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.27
Heat 2: 13.29
Heat 3: 13.31
Heat 4: 13.33
Heat 5: 13.35
Heat 6: 13.36
Heat 7: 13.38
Heat 8: 13.39
Heat 9: 13.41
Heat 10: 13.42
Øvelse 10. 100m bryst, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.47
Heat 2: 13.50
Heat 3: 13.54
Heat 4: 13.58
Heat 5: 14.02
Heat 6: 14.05
Heat 7: 14.07
Heat 8: 14.10
Heat 9: 14.12
Øvelse 11. 100m bryst, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 14.17
Heat 2: 14.19
Heat 3: 14.22
Heat 4: 14.25
Heat 5: 14.28
Heat 6: 14.30
Heat 7: 14.33
Heat 8: 14.35
Heat 9: 14.37
Heat 10: 14.39
Øvelse 12. 200m fri, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 14.44
Heat 2: 14.48
Heat 3: 14.52
Heat 4: 14.55
Heat 5: 14.59
click to expand contents
28. april 2024 kl. 11.00
Øvelse 13. 100m rygg, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.00
Heat 2: 11.02
Heat 3: 11.05
Heat 4: 11.08
Heat 5: 11.11
Heat 6: 11.13
Heat 7: 11.15
Øvelse 14. 100m rygg, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.21
Heat 2: 11.23
Heat 3: 11.26
Heat 4: 11.29
Heat 5: 11.32
Heat 6: 11.34
Heat 7: 11.37
Heat 8: 11.39
Heat 9: 11.42
Heat 10: 11.44
Heat 11: 11.46
Øvelse 15. 50m bryst, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 11.51
Heat 2: 11.52
Heat 3: 11.54
Heat 4: 11.56
Heat 5: 11.57
Heat 6: 11.59
Heat 7: 12.00
Heat 8: 12.02
Heat 9: 12.03
Heat 10: 12.04
Øvelse 16. 50m bryst, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 12.08
Heat 2: 12.10
Heat 3: 12.12
Heat 4: 12.14
Heat 5: 12.16
Heat 6: 12.18
Heat 7: 12.19
Heat 8: 12.21
Heat 9: 12.22
Heat 10: 12.24
Heat 11: 12.25
Heat 12: 12.26
Heat 13: 12.28
Heat 14: 12.29
Heat 15: 12.30
Øvelse 17. 100m individuell medley, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 12.35
Heat 2: 12.37
Heat 3: 12.40
Heat 4: 12.43
Heat 5: 12.45
Heat 6: 12.48
Heat 7: 12.50
Heat 8: 12.52
Heat 9: 12.54
Heat 10: 12.56
Øvelse 18. 4*50m lag medley, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.01
Heat 2: 13.05
Heat 3: 13.08
Øvelse 19. 4*50m lag medley, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.14
Heat 2: 13.18
Heat 3: 13.21
Øvelse 20. 50m fri, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.28
Heat 2: 13.29
Heat 3: 13.31
Heat 4: 13.33
Heat 5: 13.35
Heat 6: 13.36
Heat 7: 13.38
Heat 8: 13.39
Heat 9: 13.40
Heat 10: 13.41
Heat 11: 13.43
Heat 12: 13.44
Heat 13: 13.45
Heat 14: 13.46
Heat 15: 13.47
Heat 16: 13.49
Heat 17: 13.50
Heat 18: 13.51
Øvelse 21. 50m fri, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 13.55
Heat 2: 13.56
Heat 3: 13.57
Heat 4: 13.59
Heat 5: 14.00
Heat 6: 14.02
Heat 7: 14.03
Heat 8: 14.04
Heat 9: 14.05
Heat 10: 14.06
Heat 11: 14.08
Heat 12: 14.09
Heat 13: 14.10
Heat 14: 14.11
Øvelse 23. 100m butterfly, herrer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 14.15
Øvelse 24. 200m fri, damer
click to expand contents
Heat 1: 14.19
Heat 2: 14.23
Heat 3: 14.28
Heat 4: 14.32
Heat 5: 14.36
Heat 6: 14.40
Heat 7: 14.43
Heat 8: 14.47
Heat 9: 14.50
click to expand contents